Beelzebub Wiki

You Are Unforgivable (あなたは許さない , Anata wa yurusanai) is chapter 17 of the Beelzebub manga.


Oga is in the way of Nene and Chiaki taking him back to Hilda.

Meanwhile, Hilda is confronting Kunieda elsewhere at Ishiyama High. Kunieda is worried about Oga’s “wife” coming to attack her, thinking she is either aware that she is a member of the Tōhōshinki or aware of Oga forcing Beelzebub onto her. Hilda confirms she is confronting Kunieda and remarks that she might be able to take Beelzebub. Kunieda is nervous and tries to stop Hilda, but she interrupts her and demands a match. Finding words to be futile to Hilda, Kunieda takes out her wooden sword and accepts the match, attempting to dodge Hilda’s attacks and cool her anger. In front of Kunieda's eyes, Hilda disappears, then re-appears from above to lunge at her. Kunieda catches her and defends herself. Hilda remarks that Kunieda`s reactions are first-rate, to which Kunieda disappears and re-appears from behind and launches a sword dance at her. Hilda opens her umbrella to shield herself disappearing. Reappearing behind Kunieda's back, she remarks on how honored she should be for forcing her to draw out her sword from her umbrella. The two clash, causing an large explosion around them. The dust settles, revealing both of them standing on the ground. Hilda, unharmed, observes Kunieda's strength, having just avoided her last assault, but she realizes that Kunieda is uncapable of raising Beelzebub. Kunieda is slightly bruised, puzzled over Hilda pulling a sword out of her umbrella. Suddenly, two of Kunieda's underlings run up to Kunieda, reporting that Nene and Chiaki were beaten by Oga. They take her to the nurse`s office. There, they find Nene and Chiaki unconscious. One of Kunieda's underlings remarks that Nene claimed she and Chiaki went to see Oga to end the ongoing dispute. Kunieda is horrified.

Around Ishiyama High, the word is spreading that Oga beat Nene and Chiaki almost to death and that Oga and Kunieda are about to face each other on the roof. Shiroyama overhears this with shock. At the rooftop, Oga and Kunieda are together again face-to-face, just about to fight each other. Kunieda tells Oga that he is unforgivable.

Characters in order of appearance[]

  1. Chiaki Tanimura
  2. Tatsumi Oga
  3. Nene Ōmori
  4. Takayuki Furuichi
  5. Shintarō Natsume
  6. Hilda
  7. Aoi Kunieda
  8. Beelzebub IV (flashback)
  9. Takeshi Shiroyama


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Volumes Chapters
1 1234567
2 8910111213141516
3 171819202122232425
4 262728293031323334
5 353637383940414243
6 444546474849505152
7 535455565758596061Extra
8 626364656667686970
9 717273747576777879
10 808182838485868788Special Extra
11 899091929394959697
12 9899100101102103104105106
13 107108109110111112113114115
14 116117118119120121122123124
15 125126127128129130131132133134
16 135136137138139140141142143
17 144145146147148149150151152
18 153154155156157158159160161Extra
19 162163164165166167168169170
20 171172173174175176177178179
21 180181182183184185186187188
22 189190191192193194195196197
23 198199200201202203204205206
24 207208209210211212213214215
25 216217218219220221222223224
26 225226227228229230231232233
27 234235236237238239240Special 1Special 2Special 3
28 Extra Bub 1Extra Bub 2Extra Bub 3Extra Bub 4Extra Bub 5Extra Bub 6
Other special chapters
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