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Who's Going to Beat Oga? (誰が獲るんだ男鹿の首 , Dare ga torunda Oga no kubi) is chapter 191 of the Beelzebub manga.


Nasu's Frightening Grin

Nasu grins at Baby Beel.

Nasu tauntingly asks Oga to raise his voice since he apparently cannot hear what he just said. In response, only Baby Beel's head emerges from the concrete ceiling, evidently angry at Nasu. The other delinquents start commenting on how cute Baby Beel is, even Nasu, whose smile visibly disturbs the Demon infant. Moments after, Oga frees himself from the concrete ceiling and jumps down, where he asks Nasu about how much he knows about something.

Suddenly, Ichikawa draws out his sword and slices the concrete around Nasu's neck into pieces, ready to fight him one-on-one. Akahoshi is also ready to fight and he jumps into the action, resulting in a brief but heavy battle between the three delinquents. Their battle is cut short when Oga smashes a large part of the building's wall in one hit, annoyed that he has been forgotten; his action immediately garners the attention and awe of his fellow students, especially Nasu.

When Kanzaki makes a comment about Nasu, a large teenager strikes at him, but Shiroyama takes the hit instead.

The large teenager is revealed to be a part of the "Poltergeists" that make up Nasu's gang; evidently, Nasu has missed band practice, so they have come to pick him up. Remembering the time, Nasu, as well as Onizuka, take their leave so that they can start band practice. Before heading off, Nasu warns Oga that they will go head-on with the delinquents who went to Saint Ishiyama, and that he will take Baby Beel, too.

Characters in order of appearance[]

  1. Yōhei Nasu
  2. Hajime Kanzaki
  3. Tatsumi Oga
  4. Sōken Chabō
  5. Ebian Ichikawa
  6. Tetsuhito Kajiura
  7. Beelzebub IV
  8. Kankurō Akahoshi
  9. Shintarō Natsume
  10. Takeshi Shiroyama
  11. Shigeru Shigemori
  12. Ryō Haizawa
  13. Taizō Shioiri
  14. Teruomi Hino
  15. Seiji Kameyama
  16. Misao Onizuka
  17. Takayuki Furuichi


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Volumes Chapters
1 1234567
2 8910111213141516
3 171819202122232425
4 262728293031323334
5 353637383940414243
6 444546474849505152
7 535455565758596061Extra
8 626364656667686970
9 717273747576777879
10 808182838485868788Special Extra
11 899091929394959697
12 9899100101102103104105106
13 107108109110111112113114115
14 116117118119120121122123124
15 125126127128129130131132133134
16 135136137138139140141142143
17 144145146147148149150151152
18 153154155156157158159160161Extra
19 162163164165166167168169170
20 171172173174175176177178179
21 180181182183184185186187188
22 189190191192193194195196197
23 198199200201202203204205206
24 207208209210211212213214215
25 216217218219220221222223224
26 225226227228229230231232233
27 234235236237238239240Special 1Special 2Special 3
28 Extra Bub 1Extra Bub 2Extra Bub 3Extra Bub 4Extra Bub 5Extra Bub 6
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