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Irrational Decision!! (不合理上等!! , Fugōri jōtō!!) is the 219th chapter of the Beelzebub manga.


Saotome Challenges Akinori & Mitch

Saotome challenges the duo to take him on in battle.

High above Ishiyama High School, Saotome is confronted by a duo from the Solomon Company who inform him about how his presence has affected their plan. He scoffs at the two and coldly tells them that he does not care whether they want him as company or not, while he conjures an orb-like Spell from his hand.

Udagawa wonders in the meantime whether he should make an escape now that he has been cornered by the students of Ishiyama.

Fortunately, Takamiya manages to break free from the underside of the pool and stand on his feet; his immense endurance and perseverance bewilder the other teenagers around him, including Oga. Oga calls for Baby Beel to get off of his back and goes to confront Takamiya on his own, subsequently engaging in a traditional fist-fight like they both planned for.

While watching the fight, Udagawa makes an attempt to escape but is cornered by both Kanzaki and Himekawa. Udagawa suddenly asks them in astonishment as to how they could let Oga fight against Takamiya on his own. Himekawa explains to the confused Udagawa, whom he adds could never be one of their allies if he truly does understand why their leaders are fighting, that the sole reason behind Oga's and Takamiya's personal battle is the fact that they are simply men; as he speaks, his subordinates suddenly begin crying as they watch the fight.

Eventually, Oga and Takamiya's battle finally ends with a simultaneous punch from both men that leads to Takamiya finally collapsing; before he collapses with defeat, Takamiya admits to Oga that he is a very good fighter.

Aoi Smiles At Oga's Victory

Aoi smiles at Oga's victory.

Meanwhile, Aoi has fused the two pieces of Furuichi's "soul" that she forced out from Ogata and Suzune which subsequently results in a miniature Takayuki Furuichi; unfortunately, he begins asking her a variety of questions regarding her attire which wears her out mentally. The two then meet up with Tōjō who points them to the direction of the pool, where they see Oga standing victorious over a defeated Takamiya while the Himekawa Special Forces cheer on the former. Aoi becomes enlightened by the victory before her own eyes.

Even Saotome comments on Oga's victory. He boasts to the two Spellmasters, both of whom are now restrained midair due to one of his Spells, that they fought their battles with the wrong group of people; however, he is told that their organization's plan is actually going into the full course while he speaks, surprising him.

A young individual approaches the teenagers on the poolside with melancholic cheerfulness, telling Takamiya that he is no longer needed.

Characters in order of appearance[]

  1. Mitch
  2. Zenjūrō Saotome
  3. Akinori
  4. Tatsuya Himekawa
  5. Shintarō Natsume
  6. Kaoru Jinno
  7. Hajime Kanzaki
  8. Yōken Udagawa
  9. Shinobu Takamiya
  10. Tatsumi Oga
  11. Beelzebub IV
  12. Yuka Hanazawa
  13. Aoi Kunieda
  14. Takayuki Furuichi
  15. Hidetora Tōjō
  16. Johan


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Volumes Chapters
1 1234567
2 8910111213141516
3 171819202122232425
4 262728293031323334
5 353637383940414243
6 444546474849505152
7 535455565758596061Extra
8 626364656667686970
9 717273747576777879
10 808182838485868788Special Extra
11 899091929394959697
12 9899100101102103104105106
13 107108109110111112113114115
14 116117118119120121122123124
15 125126127128129130131132133134
16 135136137138139140141142143
17 144145146147148149150151152
18 153154155156157158159160161Extra
19 162163164165166167168169170
20 171172173174175176177178179
21 180181182183184185186187188
22 189190191192193194195196197
23 198199200201202203204205206
24 207208209210211212213214215
25 216217218219220221222223224
26 225226227228229230231232233
27 234235236237238239240Special 1Special 2Special 3
28 Extra Bub 1Extra Bub 2Extra Bub 3Extra Bub 4Extra Bub 5Extra Bub 6
Other special chapters
OneshotI Completely Fought