Beelzebub Wiki

80% of the Blogs in this Wikia are either about requesting someone to make the second Season of Beelzebub, or asking for when it’ll come out. I’m sorry to say, but Beelzebub won’t be getting a second season.

Why won’t it get a second season?[]

Beelzebub won’t be getting a second season for multiple reasons. I’ll explain them here so you guys don’t need to freak out on why. But don’t worry, I’ll try to give you some tips if you start dying of Beelzebub deprivation. Additionally, after reading this blog, I request that you don’t go making a blog about a second season. Please message me if you would like to, and I’ll try to work something out.

Reason 1[]

  • The Anime had an “Anime only” ending.

If you don’t know what I mean; The anime has been following the Manga all the way up until Episode 59 (which covers Chapters 119, 120, and 121, respectively.) The anime has a different ending than the same arc of the manga mainly because chapters weren’t out when the final episodes of the anime were airing. They could make the second season not follow the manga, and just make the episodes anime exclusive, but have some similarity to the manga, but trust me, adapting from following the manga to making an anime-exclusive series never works out. (Tokyo Ghoul √A is a great example of a bad “Adapting from the manga to an anime-exclusive” show.)

Reason 2[]

  • Beelzebub’s manga has ended.

When an anime ends and the manga ends soon, chances are, the anime will not get a second season. Anime producers don’t want to make an anime about an ended manga, with a presumably dead fan base. If Beelzebub didn’t have an Anime only ending and proceeded to keep on following the Anime would’ve resulted in a lot of fillers (Like 10x more, the same amount of fillers like, say, Naruto or Bleach. The latter which has an entire filler Arc, which Beelzebub may have had to do, to let more Chapters come out, and not immediately animate it), for the reasons above.

Reason 3[]

  • Ratings were bad.

During the time when the last few episodes of Beelzebub were airing, the show started getting bad ratings and reviews, (and I can understand that Beelzebub has a lot of faults, but they make up most of their faults with all of the good factors about it. For instance, the comedy.), which sort of makes sense; the show ran for 50+ episodes and the show was going to get bland and boring at one point, like most long-running shows. You can’t blame the people who gave the show a bad rating either.

My biggest complaint about Beelzebub (The anime, not the manga.) was the fact that there was no character development. Every single character, with the exceptions of Oga and Hilda, but even then, both of them barely changed. Oga stopped trying to give away baby Be’el to someone, while Hilda just got romantic feelings for him. Kunieda, Furuichi, Kanzaki, and many others stayed the same.

What should I do?[]

Now, after I’ve made you feel disappointed with that revelation, I’ll give you an “I’m sorry” gift. Which is basically tips for what you should do, if you don’t want to die of Beelzebub deprivation. 

  1. Rewatch the Anime — My biggest suggestion is to rewatch the Anime and search for foreshadowing, easter eggs, production errors, etc. It’ll stop you from dying from Beelzebub deprivation, and hopefully, will make you happy again.
  2. Watch the specials — Beelzebub has a few specials that you can go watch. 
  3. Make Beelzebub fanfictions — You are allowed to make fanfictions about Beelzebub where you make your own ships, add your own OCs, etc & etc. You’re able to create your blogs on this Wiki for it, not actual Content Pages. If you create a Page, just know that it’ll get deleted.
  4. Watch/read similar Anime or Manga — Well, this one’s kind of obvious. Message on my Message Wall if you need some recommendations for Beelzebub-esque Anime.


K thanks for reading this blog, lmao bye.
